Sites that are great for building in public


2 min read

I've been working on Sotent for the past month or so and have really dived into the build in public community. Everyone that I've spoken to has been so supportive and helpful and the whole experience and learning curve has just been amazing.

In that time, I've been posting my progress on multiple websites that help me stay motivated and also help to generate more traffic and interest for Sotent. Most people would have heard of Indiehackers but there is a few more that are great and have some brilliant communities and these are some of my favourites.

  1. Makerlog is definitely one of the most well known after Indiehackers and has a growing community. It revolves around building a streak which is brilliant for staying motivated and making sure that every single day you achieve something, even if it is something small. My current streak is 34 and I plan to keep going well past 50 and then onto 100 day streak!

  2. Haptic is a fairly new site that has a smaller community that Makerlog but also a welcoming and growing community. Haptic has a great UI and is brilliant for logging your daily progress. Additionally, the creator of Haptic: Borislav is very active on Twitter with some brilliant advice and tips for building in public which is also what he's doing with Haptic. I've used it a handful of times and really like it, definitely worth checking out!

  3. has a brilliant name which utilises the domain wonderfully. again has a smaller but growing community who are very active. Like Makerlog and Haptic allows you to add your products and then provide updates for them products whenever you want. It has a creative user interface which loves a great emoji, and is super easy to post your latest update. Again, I've used a number of times and really like and will definitely continue to use it alongside Makerlog and Haptic going forward.

I hope these sites are helpful for those who are building in public or are about to start their journey building in public. Happy building and shipping!